In Looe, Mrs Murray had the pleasure of opening the new banking hub in the Sardine Factory with Looe Mayor Tony Smith and Councillor Armand Toms. Mrs Murray said, "Throughout the week at the banking hub people can pay cash in or take money out – including coins, pay in cheques, or check your balance and business customers can exchange banknotes for coins. At certain times each bank involved has an advisor on hand who can help with issues such as money management, digital banking, fraud and scams advice, bereavement and power of attorney assistance and also payments and transfers. On Monday it is Natwest, on Tuesday it is Barclays, on Wednesday it is Lloyds, on Thursday it is HSBC in the morning and on Thursday afternoon it is Santander. The banking hub is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. It is essential that we make use of this banking hub when we can to show there is demand for this service in Looe. It is a fantastic addition to the town and I would like to wish it every success. I would like to thank all those who worked so hard to make it a reality".